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Inner beliefs: Limiting or empowering?




Are they limiting you?
Are they empowering you?

Do they make up who you are?
Maybe. That’s debatable.

Do they influence what you do?
Definitely yes.

The beliefs that we carry inside often stem from a deep root.
They helped you shape who you are now.


The question is: are they still useful for you, now?

If yes: Great. Keep them.
If no: Shift and transform them.


Your thoughts and intentions can go anywhere.

The mind can leap into the future in an instant
– bridging time and space.

The mind can also linger in the past
– bridging time and space.

The mind is like a space rocket!

Luckily, you can choose your thoughts and shift your beliefs.
Like you choose your clothes in the morning, or choose to brush your teeth.

You can be the prey of heavy, negative, and sabotaging thoughts.
You can choose for light, positive, supportive thoughts.



YOU have the choice.

That sounds easy…

How to do it?
Live it?
Be it?


That’s why we are here, now!

Very often, you are unaware of what’s happening in your mind.
It can be very busy there, and much of it is also subconscious.


Here is a short story to illustrate that:

Two fish are swimming in the water.
Says one fish to the other one: 

How is the water today?

The other one answers:
Which water?


So, part of the work is figuring out, in which water you are swimming, metaphorically speaking.

Becoming aware.


Cultural conditioning and socialisation determine to a great deal, which beliefs we carry inside. Family and friends do their share, too.

Gender conditioning also leaves deep imprints.
Here are just a few examples:


Women, -and girls-often hold deeply rooted -beliefs in themselves:

“Don’t be too loud, too demanding, too sexy, too smart…too…name it “

In Dutch there is even a saying:
“Meisjes die vragen worden over geslagen”
“Girls who ask will be ignored”.

Men – likewise hold deep-rooted beliefs in themselves,
though, their conditioning is very different.

For men, it could be:

“Don’t be such a sissy” 
“You have to be strong”
“Boys don’t cry”

It stems from the former generation, but still might have an impact on some of us.


I give you an example from my own life:

When I wanted to join the dance academy,
there were many voices from my friends and family:

“Don’t do that.
You are not extroverted enough, you will never make it, …”

If I had listened to these voices, I’d never become a dancer.

But I did.

I am stubborn, I can deal with setbacks and I believe in myself.
Not always, but in many moments!


Here is a video on the subject:

Creativity vs judgment and control


My wish for YOU is to guide you in this process, so YOU
become who you want to be, one step at a time.



Your body can help you with that.
That’s where the magic happens!



We’ll start the journey by mapping out where you stand,
and getting clear about the water you are in, right now!

You can also see it like a garden: to plant new seeds that can grow, you first have to clear up the ground, and pull out the weed!




  • Take a notebook or journal and write down your limiting beliefs.
  • Set a timer for 3 minutes, if you need more time, also fine
  • This is for you, so don’t hold back
  • Keep writing, also if you think it’s silly, or you judge yourself


Here are some prompts:

– I can’t show all parts of myself because I will be judged or put in a box, -I am too vulnerable
– I am too shy to speak up
– I am not ready to deliver this now (it’s not perfect…-)
– I am not taken seriously
– So and so is much better than me
– I am too young, too old, too…to …



Now, comes the fun part!

  • Take your notebook
  • Set the timer again, same time as you did before
  • Write down what you wish for yourself
  • Who you want to be
  • Go in it with all the detail
  • Keep writing


  • Notice the feeling in your body,
  • Notice what’s happening in your mind
  • Is there resistance?


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