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Presence - Power - Pleasure



What is your favorite arena?

What do boxing, tango dancing, and business negotiations have in common? When you read this, you might think:Nothing! Let’s have a closer look: Boxing You might think about…a box ring, testosterone, the smell of blood, sweat and leather, a win or loose situation, a screaming audience, – and knock out. Tango You might think of …red velvet, high heels, perfume, slick back hair, elegance in movement, attraction, connection and intimacy. Business You might think of…shareholders, sitting around a table, reports, …

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During my life, I have been attracted by and attracting many people…leading to lifelong bonds and also to sharing a path for a while. In Spanish there is the expression “tener piel con alguien”which literally means “to have skin together”– to share the spark of attraction together… Why do you feel attracted to some people and not so much to others? It can be that we are attracted to people that are totally opposite of ourselves: culture, lifestyle, hair-do, opinions… Attraction is like …

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Light your Fire! Authenticity and Identity.

I’d like to invite you this time on the theme ofBeing yourself!  To be authentic. What does it actually mean?To be pure, genuine, and real. Maybe you have heard the famous quote of Oscar Wilde:“JUST BE YOURSELF. EVERYONE ELSE IS ALREADY TAKEN.” When are you totally yourself? Totally authentic?Are you like that all the time? orAre you adapting and editing yourself depending on where or with whom you are?Just showing parts of yourself that you consider acceptable for the situation? Are …

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The mirror moment…about your loved ones

Who would you be without the people who are closest to you?Your partner, your kids, your best friend… The intimacy of a person whom you are close to can have many facets. They can point out your glories and your weaknessesFriends are our mirrors, metaphorically speaking… They know you – or they seem to know you -!Are you open to seeing and accepting what they give to you? Let’s take a closer look: A while ago, I was driving together …

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Sensuality in Everyday Life!

There are many moments during a day to enjoy sensuality: Feeling the touch of warm wind on your cheeks, the taste of the very first bite of a meal, the embrace you feel when you dance tango, the rhythm of your breath when you practice yoga…delicious!Now, let’s look at a practical, everyday situation: I decided to “pimp up” my home, having a go at the corridor of my apartment.It was full of crap, boxes, unorganized corners of stuff, piling up since – too …

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A Morning in the park…a story on shock and safety

Let me tell you a story on shock and safety :a surprising encounter between the human and a dog world… During the summer, I am in the habit of practicing yoga outside in the park.One day this happened: I roll out my mat in a quiet, secluded place under the trees and dive into my ritual of practice. After a while I am immersed in deep letting go, all alarm guards are down, and my body and soul are poured …

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The Quality of Silence

Sharing Silence. What gets in the way?Is it socially acceptable to simply plunge on the floor and be? Together? Maybe even close together? In most cases, not. There is the urge and often the need to talk, to behave, to socialize.To be intelligent, to be funny, to be liked, to be interesting. Being together in silence and being comfortable is an act of trust and connection. Cows and sheep on a pasture do it naturally and whenever they like it, …

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Posture and emotion: it’s a dance.

Let me tell you a short story about an experience with a client: Recently I walked next to a client outside in nature.When you walk and talk, thoughts and emotions tend to flow easier than sitting still, so we walked along. As we tackled a subject that was highly emotional to her and triggered very loaded negative memories, her posture changed into this: She pulled her chin forward, her shoulders went up, her neck shortened, her breath became shallow and …

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Clear Boundaries: Your guideline for true connection!

Note:this article was crafted on request for the Platform Embodied Empowerment, a network for Body-Practicioners and Coaches.However, the guidelines apply also to any other (service-)professional and human being. “As bodyworkers, we are in service of the well-being of our clients.However, that does not mean you are 24/7 available for everything. Clear boundary-keeping and managing expectations are key to preserving your inner energy and hence also being able to serve your clients at your best, fully. Hint:Expectation management is what you …

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Space: give it – take it – share it!

For this edition, I’d like to look at SPACE: How do you feel when you hear:You are blending in!Accepted, seen… or invisible? How do you feel when you hear:You are standing out!Proud, shy, seen… comfortable? However your inner response to these questions is: Taking up space and sharing space.It is an ever-flexible and changing phenomenon! Space has many forms:physical space, emotional space, energetic space.  Your body and its three-dimensional shape take up space. The trees in the picture below can only …

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Who’s your favorite …? Staying with: presence and loving weirdos

Note: this article stems from the Corona period.-)———– What do you feel when you hear: “Marriage is an endless sleep over with your favorite weirdo”. It’s a slogan that made my head turn as I biked along the street, passing a bed-shop in the city. I don’t know if you are married – I have never been in my life – so far!You never know what might happen… But I know very well how to maintain long-lasting friendships and how …

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Chaos, creativity, and control: the Magic Three.

Have you ever thought about getting into a threesome? This edition is devoted to a dynamic trio:Chaos, creativity, and control! The connection between chaos, creativity, and control is a dynamic and flexible one:   Time and timing play a crucial role. Let’s take a closer look at this threesome: Chaos can be a very creative place.When things have lost their order – or the order is not visible yet! – new possibilities and constellations can emerge. It’s a playground for creativity.If …

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