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Sensuality in Everyday Life!

Claudia Kratzheller

There are many moments during a day to enjoy sensuality:

Feeling the touch of warm wind on your cheeks, the taste of the very first bite of a meal, the embrace you feel when you dance tango, the rhythm of your breath when you practice yoga…delicious!
Now, let’s look at a 
practical, everyday situation:

I decided to “pimp up” my home, having a go at the corridor of my apartment.
It was full of crap, boxes, unorganized corners of stuff, piling up since – too long.

In short: clutter.

A situation one would not particularly call sensual…

The clutter in the corridor is metaphorically speaking like a busy bee hive in the mind.
The boxes and fiddly filled corners obstruct seeing the beauty of the space.

It is like having a head full of thoughts, full of “stuff” to do or maybe to do, restless and breathless, no inner space, not sensing the moment, 

mainly being in the future or in the past. -)

How would it feel to be in an open space?
How would it be to have an open mind?
How can you turn the clutter in the corridor into a sensual experience?

By being in the NOW
HOW to be in the NOW?

Here comes the clue:
attention to your senses is the invitation to be in the NOW.

feeling, tasting, seeing, smelling, listening… your senses, your sensuality brings you into the present moment, into the NOW.

Coming back to the corridor analogy I’d like to point out two ways:

 1)To slowly de-clutter the space and clear your mind requires a practical solution.
I can recommend 
“Getting Things Done” GTD in the method of David Allen

Once the boxes and the clutter are out of the way, then you can give the space new colour!!! Let’s take

 2) The act of painting as an example of tasting sensuality…

Imagine the moment when the silky, smooth paint spills down, the brush soaks up with the color, then it touches the wall: rolling over the surface, sliding moves, splashing with virile strides until the whole place is covered with a fresh layer of paint…
|let yourself be seduced by the sensuality and physicality of painting… Do you get it?

It’s the difference of “getting on with it” or “get it over with” and “tasting the moment”.
Being in love with the texture, smell, and look of that paint.
Being in love with what you do, being in love with what you sense

You can turn any action into a sensual experience, by paying attention to the details of the moment
And then painting the corridor can be as pleasurable as feeling the embrace during a dance…

Wishing you sensual days with lots of Space…! 

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